Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Long term change in alcohol beliefs?

We are back on our topic of the Australian Alcohol Culture again today and we have a number of questions for you to think about;

What steps are necessary to change beliefs in Australia about alcohol over a long period of time?

Especially for guys, there are lots of linking themes in Australia about 'drinking till you pass out' and 'mateship'. This means that in order to develop a mateship with someone in the Australian culture you go out drinking, essentially. What about the other Australian value of a 'fair go' for all? How does this effect or change our perspective on what it means to be 'mates'? Do you think this change of perception that we have been talking about over a few months now could help reduce alcohol harm for guys?

Traditionally, women suffered enormously from alcohol excess (often by men) and exerted a moderating influence on alcohol related abuse through their role in families and their relationships with men. This means that traditionally most women could see the harm that alcohol was having on their families and would use their powers of persuasion to encourage men to drink less. How do you think this plays out in the modern world with both men and women drinking together more than ever before? Do you think it takes a layer of perspective away for both sexes?

Most negative trends in alcohol harm in Australia appear to be accentuated amongst young people, e.g. binge drinking, road trauma, city violence. To what extent is alcohol harm a 'youth' issue?

Typical government responses to alcohol harm involve increases in mass media driven 'education' campaigns. Why is this?
Do you believe such campaigns are likely to make significant change to Australia's drinking culture? What other key changes are necessary to achieve long term change in alcohol harm?

What role should government play in tackling alcohol harm? Isn't this simply a matter of individuals taking responsibility for their actions?

We in the youth department believe that YOU as the young people of Northern Victoria have to power to change the world! We really, really do!
This is an area that we believe you can have an incredible influence and change negative youth cultures in your community! You never know how God is going to use you, you could save someone's life!
One of The Salvation Army Mission Intentions is Transforming Lives! We take that intention very seriously because we believe we are uniquely placed in The Salvation Army to change negative youth cultures (such as excessive drinking habits that lead to serious harm)! Some people might think that is a pretty airey-fairy idea but we TOTALLY believe it. Ask God what he wants you to do in your community, especially around this issue of alcohol harm. It might feel like you aren't doing much within your circle of influence but a small amount of effort goes a long way in transforming lives!

Think about it. Pray about it!***

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